Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Painting with pixels

Some years ago I came across a wonderfully insightful guide to producing art with the computer called, oddly enough, Painting with Pixels. I've long since forgotten the author -- and the book is equally long gone I'm sorry to say.

But I mention it as a way to kick off this blog. Because digital art is simply that: painting with pixels. And there's no better way to let your imagination run wild than to pick up a digital imaging editing program such as Adobe's Photoshop or Elements and a Wacom graphics table and have at it.

And if you need inspiration check out the Museum of Computer Art. Don Archer, one of the co-founders of the museum and it's main guru today, is not only a friend and colleague but it a perceptivre student of computer driven artwork.

Every so often I'll try and post a piece of my own digital art, maybe something I've finished or something I'm still working on, like the two pieces below:

These began as simple photos of rocks I came across at Schoodic Point, Maine.

Try this at home!

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